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Torre de Babel Ediciones



APPREHENSION (apprehendo, to lay hold of).—Simple cognition,—knowledge of fact, simple or complex. «By simple apprehension, we mean the power which the mind possesses of forming concepts» (Morell, Mental Philosophy, p. 232).

Apprehension in Logic, is that act or condition of the mind in which it receives a notion of any object; and which is analogous to the perception of the senses, c. (Whately, Logic, bk. II. ch. I. sec. 1).

Apprehension (Die Apprehension), is the Kantian word for perception, in the largest sense in which we employ that term. It is the genus which includes under it, as species, perception proper, and sensation proper» (Meiklejohn, Criticism of Pure Reason, note, p. 127).

Apprehend and Comprehend—»We apprehend many truths which we do not comprehend. The great mysteries of our faith, the doctrine, for instance, of the Holy Trinity—we lay hold upon it (ad prehendo), we hang upon it, our souls live by it; but we do not take it all in, we do not comprehend it; for it is a necessary attribute of God that He is incomprehensible; if He were not so He would not be God, or the being that comprehended him would be God also. But it also belongs to the idea of God that He may be ‘apprehended,‘ though not ‘comprehended’ by His reasonable creatures; He has made them to know Him, though not to know Him all, to ‘apprehend’ though not to ‘comprehend’ ‘Him'» (Trench, On Study of Words, p. 110).

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