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Torre de Babel Ediciones

Law of continuity. Vocabulary of Philosophy. William Fleming

Diccionario filosófico


Complete edition

Diccionario de Filosofía

Brief definition of the most important concepts of philosophy.


A Dictionary of English Philosophical Terms Francis Garden


Vocabulary of Philosophy, Psychological, Ethical, Metaphysical

William Fleming

Biografías y semblanzas Biographical references and lives of philosophers

Brief introduction to the thought of Ortega y Gasset

History of Philosophy Summaries

Historia de la Filosofía

Explanation of the thought of the great philosophers; summaries, exercises…

Historia de la Filosofía

Digital edition of the History of Philosophy by Jaime Balmes

Historia de la Filosofía

Digital edition of the History of Philosophy by Zeferino González

Vidas, opiniones y sentencias de los filósofos más ilustres

Complete digital edition of the work of Diogenes Laertius

Compendio de las vidas de los filósofos antiguos


A brief history of Greek Philosophy

B. C. Burt


A Short History of Philosophy





CONTINUITY (Law of).—(1) Persistence of movement through successive stages; (2) persistence of being through successive transformations. In the latter reference, now the most familiar, it is the expression of the indestructibility of matter and energy.

The law of continuity, though originally applied to continuity of motion, was extended by Charles Bonnet to continuity of being. He held that all the various beings which compose the universe form a descending scale without any chasm or saltus, from the Deity to the simplest forms of unorganised manner. A similar view had been held by Locke and others.


The principle of continuity was one of the guiding ideas of the philosophy of Leibnitz. Kant also holds that "all phenomena are continuous quantities" (Critique of Pure Reason, Anticipations of Perception). For more recent usage in physical science, see Balfour Stewart’s Conservation of Energy, and Tait’s Recent Advances of Physical Science. "The grand principle of Conservation of Energy… is simply a statement of the invariability of the quantity of energy in the universe (Tait, p. 17).

Modern science proclaims the continuity of Law, i.e., that the transition from lower to higher laws is not abrupt, but gradual, the former surviving, as it were, in the latter.

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