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Torre de Babel Ediciones


Casuistry. The science of right and wrong as applied to the various cases in which the conscience may be in doubt. This has been much pursued in the Roman Catholic Church, particularly by the Jesuits. It survived the Reformation among ourselves. Perhaps its last eminent votaries were Bishops Jeremy Taylor and Sanderson. It has now fallen into pretty general disuse, and I venture to think rightly. «The primal duties shine aloft like stars,» and about them «the upright heart and pure» will not admit a moment’s doubt. Outside these there are, however, cases in which a man may honestly be perplexed as to his duty, and as such cases involve contingent matter and circumstances peculiar to themselves, it is difficult to see how any science can antecedently provide for them.

he evils in which having recourse to the authorities in such a science will I think result, are the production either of a morbid or a too easily satisfied conscience. Where the question of duty is perplexing, honest self-examination, due exercise of the judgment, and prayer to God, will be the true means of securing right guidance. Of course the presentation of the case to another mind will, when practicable, be often serviceable, but even then I should prefer the judgment of a faithful friend, and better still that of a pure-hearted woman, a sister or a wife, to that of any doctor in casuistry. See Categorical Imperative.
