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Torre de Babel Ediciones


Property. This name is given in logic to a predicable, which, without being either genus, differentia, or species, necessarily accompanies their combination, as distinguished from accident, which does not. Aristotle requires of a property that it be convertible with the subject, and therefore peculiar to it. Porphyry gives four senses of property.

1st. An attribute belonging to one only species, though not to every specimen—as medical or geometrical skill to man.

2nd. An attribute belonging to the whole species, though not to it alone—as biped to man.

3rd. One belonging to the whole, and to it alone, but not to be found always, as growing grey-haired to man.

4thly. One belonging to the whole species, to it alone, and universally—as risibility to man. This last, he says, is strictly (κυρίως) property, and to this, following Aristotle, he confines himself in his subsequent treatment of the matter.
